How To Get Your first "REAL" Push Up


Can we PLEASE stop using the term “girl push ups” in reference to knee push ups?

I have seen plenty of men who have horrible push up form, what should we call those?

I want you to know that you CAN do a “real” push up. AKA a full push up from plank position. It just takes time to build up strength, but you are not doomed to knee push ups just because you’re female.

To start, you HAVE to work on your form. Bad form will not only make it more difficult, but may lead to injury.

Some common push up mistakes are:

Elbows out

Pinched traps

Sagging back

Not full range of motion

How to do a push up correctly:

Elbows in

Lengthen shoulders from ears

Core & back engaged

Full range of motion

Watch this video and check yourself to see if you make any of these common mistakes!

Once you understand the proper form, you’re not just going to magically be able to do a push up from plank position. We need to start slowly and progress as you build strength. Practice several times a week and don’t move on to the next progression until you can do 3 sets of 10 good reps with proper form!

Here are the progressions I want you to go through:

Wall push up

Elevated push up

Knee push up

Full push up

Watch this video for a visual on how to do each one.

I can’t WAIT for you to get your first “REAL” push up. It’s a feeling that’s hard to beat, so please let me know when you get it so I can celebrate with you!

Now go get to work, friend.

Lexie Gray1 Comment